Choosing The Right Rodent Exterminator in the Kansas City Area

Choose the Right Rodent Exterminator for Getting Rid of Pests from Your Home

rodent exterminatorNo one wants to have bugs, rodents or any other pests in their home, invading their peace of mind. It will obviously be unhealthy as well as annoying for anyone to live under these conditions. In order to get rid of rodents, you can either call an exterminator or do the job yourself.

When choosing a rodent exterminator, it is extremely important to make the right choice to ensure that the job is efficiently completed. It is very important that you do enough research to find a rodent exterminator who can handle your problem of pest infestation in the best possible manner. Look for a company that has a valid license and is insured with a credible insurance provider.

The best way to look for a reputed rodent exterminator is to go online and search on the internet. Carry out a general search for the pest control companies available in your area and then rule out all the companies that lack insured and licensed technicians.

In case you have pets or kids at home, taking their health into consideration while carrying out rodent extermination is extremely important. You should hire a rodent who will use those methods of getting rid of pests which are completely non-toxic and do not cause any harm to the kids or pets. Make sure to look through the range of products used by the company for extermination to ensure that they make use of completely non-toxic methods for removing rodents from your home.

Also make sure that the rodent exterminator you hire follows the EPA guidelines. You wouldn’t want to hire someone who is reluctant to follow the guidelines created by the government as this would mean putting your pets and family members at risk.

Another important consideration is to ensure that the environment is also protected while making use of different rodent management methods. It is true that you don’t want any bugs or rodents at home to ensure good health of your family member, but you also wouldn’t want to spread poison in the environment in order to accomplish this. Keeping this in mind, you should choose a rodent exterminator that makes use of ‘green’ methods to remove pests and rodents from your home.

A big advantage of using professional rodent exterminator services is that their pest control methods are completely odorless. Thus, there is no need for the members of the household to leave the premises when the treatment is in progress. Besides this, professional rodent ensure that you get 100 percept permanent and effective results.

When it comes to the cost of pest control, most of the reputed rodent exterminator services will provide you with an estimate free of charge before you assign them the task of getting rid of pests from your home. To do this, they will come to your home and inspect it in order to explain to you the kind of pest problem you have and what procedure will be used to eradicate them, along with any other preventive measure that might be requirement to prevent the problem from returning back. Thus, take your time while searching for a Rodent Exterminator and choose the most efficient one with the best prices.

Call RAM Exterminators today to get rid of your mice, rats, and other rodents!

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Brown Recluse Spiders

brown recluse spiderIt’s That Time of Year When Brown Recluse Spiders Come In To Your Home

It’s no surprise to anyone that Brown Recluse Spiders reside in the Kansas City area. This venomous spider is found throughout the midwest, and we are right in the heart of the areas they tend to inhabit. The brown recluse spider AKA, violin spider has one of the more venomous bites of any species found in our region. It’s bite is second only to the Black Widow spider.

Brown recluse spiders are usually between 6–20 mm (1⁄4 in and 3⁄4 in), but may grow larger. While typically light to medium brown, they range in color from cream-colored to dark brown or blackish gray. The cephalothorax and abdomen may not necessarily be the same color. These spiders usually have markings on the dorsal side of their cephalothorax, with a black line coming from it that looks like a violin with the neck of the violin pointing to the rear of the spider, resulting in the nicknames fiddleback spider, brown fiddler or violin spider. They frequently build their webs in woodpiles and sheds, closets, garages, plenum, cellars and other places that are dry and generally undisturbed.

When dwelling in human residences, brown recluse spiders seem to favor cardboard, possibly because it mimics the rotting tree bark which they inhabit naturally. Brown recluse spiders have also been encountered in shoes, inside dressers, in bed sheets of infrequently used beds, in clothes stacked or piled or left lying on the floor, inside work gloves, behind baseboards and pictures, in toilets, and near sources of warmth when ambient temperatures are lower than usual. Human-spider contact often occurs when such isolated spaces are disturbed and the spider feels threatened. Unlike most web weavers, they leave these lairs at night to hunt. Males move around more when hunting than do females, which tend to remain nearer to their webs.

When it comes to control and eradication of this elusive spider, inspection is key. RAM Exterminators has the tools and abilities to locate, and get rid of this dangerous spider for good!

Whether you’re in Shawnee, Kansas, Independence, Missouri, or Kansas City, WE HAVE YOU COVERED. Call us today to make sure your family and children are safe from the Brown Recluse Spider!!

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Kansas City Home Termite Inspection

Facts About A Termite Inspection in Kansas City

  • kansas city termite inspectionWhat does a termite inspection entail?
    A termite inspection is a visual inspection of the readily accessible areas of a home for evidence of wood-destroying insects (WDI) and wood-destroying organisms (WDO). The inspector will visually inspect the entire interior of a home (including accessing and entering any sub-space such as basements and crawlspaces) and exterior of the property.  In areas where Drywood termites are prevalent, and in houses where there are no sub-areas, the attic may also be accessed and inspected.  After the inspection has been performed, the findings are reported on the applicable/appropriate form.
  • How long does an inspection take?
    The average termite or pest inspection takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes for a thorough inspection, depending on the size and conditions (e.g. clutter; storage of personal items, etc.) of the home and property.

  • Can termites live in colder climates?
    Yes, termites have been found throughout the United States, even in Alaska!  Cold weather does not kill them off; rather it slows them down or causes them to go into a hibernation state.  As a matter of fact, it has been reported that 1 out of every 15 houses in the Chicago area have termite infestations.

  • Why inspect the attic if termites stay close to the ground?
    The termite inspection is actually an inspection for wood-destroying insects and organisms. The inspector is also looking for ants, bugs and fungus. Sometimes, in areas where Drywood termites are prevalent, and in houses where there are no sub-areas, the attic may also be accessed and inspected. Inspectors routinely look in the attic area for Drywood termite pellets (fecal matter), which are oblong, vary in color from light gray to very dark brown, and are only 2 to 3 millimeters long. They generally accumulate on surfaces or in spider webs near the eaves area of the attic.

  • What do termites look like?
    Subterranean termite colonies consist of three different castes–reproductives, workers and soldiers. All of the Subterranean termites are generally creamy white in appearance and are translucent, looking very much in size, shape and color as a grain of rice.  The reproductives, or “swarmers,” have a pair of even-sized wings and are often mistaken for flying ants.  The workers look similar to the “swarmers,” only they are a little smaller and do not have wings.  The soldiers are also similar except for their oversized heads and large, crushing mandibles.

  • What is the difference between carpenter ants and termites?
    There are a number of differences between carpenter ants and termites.  The body shape of a carpenter ant is like an hourglass–it narrows between the abdomen in the rear and the thorax in the front.  The body of a termite is more cigar-shaped without the narrowing between the front and back halves of the body.  When wings are present, carpenter ants have larger wings in the front and smaller wings in the back, whereas termite “swarmers” have relatively equal-sized wings.  Carpenter ant wings are less “veiny” than termite wings.  Also, ant wings have a stigma (dark spot) on the leading edge of the front wing, and termite wings do not.Carpenter ant antennae are bent or curved, while termite antennae are relatively straight.  Also, termites eat the wood they tunnel through and ants do not.

  • How do you treat termites?
    There are several methods available to treat Subterranean termites.  A chemical treatment is the most common treatment type available for Subterranean termites.  The goal of a Subterranean termite chemical treatment is to establish a continuous termiticide barrier between the termite colony (usually in the soil) and wood in a building.  This is done by placing termiticide in the soil on both sides of all foundation elements to provide a barrier preventing termites from entering the structure.  Technicians trench the soil and inject termiticide beneath it at 16-inch intervals.  They also drill into hollow masonry block foundations and inject termiticide into the block voids. This creates a protective barrier around the property.In-ground baiting systems are also becoming a popular method for treatment of Subterranean termites.  A subterranean termite baiting system involves placement of cellulose (wood material) bait stations at strategic locations around the perimeter of the home.  Worker termites, which constantly forage for wood to feed their colony, locate the cellulose bait stations and leave special scent trails to summon their mates to the food source.  The cellulose material in the bait station is then replaced with a chemical inhibitor, retarding the molting process in termites and preventing them from growing.  The carrier termites then bring the chemical back to the colony and–if everything goes well–spread the inhibitor throughout the remainder of the colony.  Because of the growth inhibitor, the carrier and the rest of the colony will die.

  • Could there be hidden termite damage?
    Absolutely!  One of the main characteristics of termites and termite colonies is their tendency to avoid open air and bright lights, meaning they will stay underground or within wood products.  It is almost impossible for an inspector to visually identify or locate an active termite infestation just by looking at the finished surface of a wall or the accompanying trim.

  • What can I do to prevent termite infestation?
    The current standard method of preventing termite infestation on newly constructed homes is to have a pest control contactor visit the home and spray a liquid termiticide over the entire foundation area prior to the concrete being poured.  The building sciences are continually coming up with new methods of infestation prevention.  A homeowner could also make post-construction adjustments to the home that are less conducive to an infestation of wood-destroying insects.  Common conditions that are conducive to an infestation are: earth to wood contact at support posts; cellulose debris and form boards left in the crawlspace; improper drainage away from the structure; and inadequate ventilation in the crawlspace. Correction of these conditions will greatly reduce the likelihood of an infestation.

  • Why do I have to treat if there are no live termites?
    If there is evidence of a termite infestation and no evidence of a termite treatment having been done, the inspector must report that the infestation is active, which means in need of treatment, even though no live insects were discovered.

  • Does the termite inspection cover all types of wood-destroying organisms?
    This depends mostly on state and local code.  Most states use the NPCA-1 Wood Destroying Inspect Infestation Inspection Report, which limits its scope to the inspection of termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, and re-infesting wood-boring beetles.

  • Is a termite inspection included with the cost of a general  home inspection?
    No, it is not.  The initial cost of a general home inspection does not include any other inspections.

Article published with permission from: U.S. Inspect

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Time for Rodent Management in your Kansas City Home?

mouse exterminator

Ram Exterminators is your pest control solution!

With colder weather approaching the Kansas City area, we aren’t the only ones looking to stay warm. Mice, rats,  and rodents are not big fans of the cold either, in fact, most start looking for a warmer place to stay when the first signs of the frigid cold start to show. As many of us know, the shelter they seek is often times our homes. Aside from catching mice, rats,  and rodents once they are in, one way to help raise the chances of catching them is to make it as uncomfortable as possible for them.

If they are getting a constant meal of crumbs every night and water that is left in a cup in the sink, then why would they go after the bait you are setting for them? Make sure your kitchen and living areas are barren waste lands. Keep the exterior landscape as bare as possible and that will usually increase the chances of bait acceptance on snap traps or poison bait in general. Ram Exterminators in Kansas City has all of the necessary tools for rodent management and getting rid of mice, rats, and other rodents in your home for good!

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You Wanted Better Pest Control Service in Kansas City…You Got It!

Ram Extermiantors TechnicianPest Control service and value that people have come to expect from RAM Exterminators is now in the Kansas City area!

We are conveniently located in the heart of Kansas City to quickly respond to any service calls. Our #1 priority is customer service & customer satisfaction. We pride ourselves on fast, professional, and friendly service with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

With over 25 years of pest control experience, we know how to take care of both our residential and commercial customers.  You can trust Ram Exterminators to keep your home or office free of Termites, Spiders, Ants, Rodents, Cockroaches, Fleas, Bed Bugs, Crickets, Bees & Wasps, Silverfish, Ticks, Rodents, and MORE!

Give Ram Exterminators a call today, WE’RE TOUGH ON BUGS!  (913) 677-2700

  • Over 25 Years of Experience
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Licensed Technicians
  • Family Owned and Operated
  • Fast, Friendly Service

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